Pranjani: Suvoborska greda uputila pismo ambasadoru SAD Kristoferu Hilu

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Suvoborska greda, udruženje sa sedištem u Pranjanima, uputilo je pismo ambasadoru SAD Kristoferu Hilu povodom njegove podrške projektu Rio Tinto.

Pismo je u izvornom obliku, na srpskom i engleskom jeziku, i prenosimo ga u celosti.

„Njegovoj ekselenciji ambasadoru Sjedinjenih Američkih Država

Poštovani gospodine Hil,

Pišemo Vam u ime naroda Republike Srbije, a pre svega kao žitelji sela Pranjani u kom su tokom Drugog svetskog rata (1944.) spašene stotine savezničkih pilota među kojima je, kao što Vam je poznato, bilo najviše američkih državljanja.

Prošle godine ste bili gost na obeležavanju 78. godišnjice Misije Halijard u Pranjanima i tom prilikom ste govorili o snazi zajedničkog poduhvata Srba i Amerikanaca i o prevazilaženju nezamislivih prepreka na putu do cilja.

Možda ste pritom bili svesni bremena koju su te 1944. poneli meštani pranjanskog kraja, a koje posredno nosimo i mi danas, budući da smo dočekujući potomke spašenih američkih pilota i prihvatajući njihovu zahvalnost iznova evocirali i povredili sveže uspomene naroda Srbije na žrtve NATO agresije 1999. godine, ali po svemu sudeći to breme je za Vas beznačajno.

Ne lamentiramo nad prošlim događajima niti bismo se danas drugačije poneli prema onima koji prijateljski dolaze na mesto gde su naši preci spasavali njihove pretke, ali Vas podsećamo na istoriju naših odnosa s razlogom.

Nedavno ste govorili o projektu Rio Tinta u Srbiji i podržali nastavak zelene tranzicije kojom bi naša zemlja bila eksploatisana i uništavana za potrebe drugih zemalja, a interes u tome, sudeći po Vašim rečima, imaju i Sjedinjene Američke Države. S druge strane, u odbrani od te tzv. zelene agende čija se realizacija godinama sistematski priprema, stoji narod zemlje u kojoj ste ambasador, a tu pre svega mislimo na meštane ugroženih područja kojima prete Rio Tinto i njoj srodne kompanije: na meštane Jadra, Valjeva, Kosjerića, Dobrinje, Jagodine, Rekovca i već pomenutih Pranjana.

Naravno, taj projekat ste predstavili kao ekonomsku šansu uz poštovanje svih ekoloških standarda, ali smo sigurni da Vam je jasno da smo tu mantru čuli bezbroj puta i da ni najmanje ne verujemo takvim obećanjima, kako zbog naučnog mišljenja nekorumpiranih domaćih stručnjaka tako i zbog reputacije koju pomenuta kompanija ima u svetu.

Ne znamo odakle dolazi Vaša odluka da se mešate u unutrašnja, ekonomska i ekološka pitanja zemlje u kojoj ste čelnik jednog stranog poslanstva, još nam je veća nepoznanica zašto se obraćate kao zastupnik pomenute multinacionalne kompanije, ali Vam ne bismo govorili o nelogičnostima koje su očigledne. (Ipak, ne možemo da Vas poštedimo zamišljanja groteskne slike na kojoj se Vaš kolega a nažalost naš sunarodnik, ambasador Marko Đurić, bavi unutrašnjim pitanjima SAD i podržava neki projekat kom se američko stanovništo protivi.)

Samo Vas podsećamo da se vratite na sopstvene reči od prošle godine i pri sledećim izlivima podrške Rio Tintu imate na umu šta ste tada govorili na Galovića polju u Pranjanima.

Mi pamtimo i herojski čin iz 1944. i zahvalnicu srpskom narodu iz 1999. godine, jer kao časni srpski seljaci još uvek gajimo kulturu sećanja, a ta čast srpskog seljaka i kultura sećanja neće nam dozvoliti da u ruke multinacionalnih kompanija i njihovih nezvaničnih zastupnika prepustimo grobove predaka i živote nas i naših potomaka.“

Ekološko udruženje „Suvoborska greda“
U Pranjanima, 6. marta 2023.

To His Exellency the Ambassador of the United States of America
Dear Mr Hill,
We write this in the name of people of the Republic of Serbia, chiefly the people from village of Pranjani in which hundreds of ally pilots’ lives were saved during the World War II, most of these pilots being citizens of your country as you are very well aware of.
Last year you were our guest at the 78 years since Halyard Operation memorial day in Pranjani and you have spoken then about the strength of the mutual Serbian and American operation and overcoming the unimaginable obstacles on the path towards success.
You might have been aware of the burden that the people of Pranjani took upon them back in 1944, the burden which is still upon our shoulders since we evoked the ever fresh memories of Nato aggression victims in 1999 and opened the wounds of our entire nation by welcoming the descendants of the USA pilots and accepting their grattitude, but it seems like that burden is irrelevant to you.
We are not lamenting over the past events nor would we ever treat any friendly guest that comes to the place were our ancestors saved theirs differently than we did, but we do have to remind you of the entire history of our relations for a good reason.
You spoke recently about the Rio Tinto project in Serbia and you vocalized your support to the green transition which would mean exploitation and destruction our country for the benefit of some other countries. Judging by your own words, USA also has its interest in this project.
On the opposite side, defending themselves from this so called green transition that has been systematically prepared for years, stand the people of the country you are the ambassador in, in the first place the inhabitants of the areas directly endangered and threatened by Rio Tinto and their affiliate companies- people of Jadar, Valjevo, Kosjeric, Dobrinja, Jagodina, Rekovac and already mentioned Pranjani.
Of course, you presented the Rio Tinto’s project as an economic development chance that would respect all the ecological standards, but we are sure you are aware that we have heard this mantra countless times til now and that we do not believe in these promises, thanks to the expert opinion of the non-corrupt domestic experts as well as the reputation the company has worldwide.
We can’t pinpoint the exact reason for your decision to get involved in the internal ecological and economicall affairs of a country that you are a forein council representative in, we are even more baffled by your decision to address these subjects as a spokesperson for this multinational company, but we will certainly not talk about the apparent inconsistencies (Still, we can not spare you from the grotesque image of your colleague and, unfortunately, our fellow countryman Marko Đurić meddling with the internal affairs of the USA and publicly supporting some project that the citizens of the USA are firmly opposing).
We would only like to remind you to recall your own words from the last year and to keep in mind what you spoke about back then at Galovica Polje in Pranjani the next time you decide to openly support Rio Tinto.
We still remember both the heroic act of 1944 and the special thanks that vas given to the people of Serbia in 1999, because the honorable serbian villagers still maintain the culture of rememberance, and honor and rememberance will never allow us to give away the graves of our ancestors and the lives of us and our descendants into the hands of multinational companies and their unofficial representatives.
Ecological association „Suvoborska greda”
Pranjani, March 6th 2023 — у месту Pranjani.

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