Draga found a purse with one million dinars inside in her shop and without a doubt became THE FAIREST TRADER IN SERBIA!

Draga Eric from Gornji Milanovac, found a purse with milliondinars inside which was forgotten by a customer in the shop where she works, and she returned it to the owner. 


SALESMAN ON KALEMEGDAN FOUND A WALLET FULL WITH MONEY: He returned it to the owner and this was his reward! (PHOTO)


After stacking items in the store, Dragan Eric, who is recently engaged in a commercial business, she noticed a purse on the bench at the counter , which was forgotten by the customer.


Draga remembered the customer, who previously s at this store in Gornji Milanovac and in her there was no doubt how he would react in this situation, reports the Radio Television of Serbia.


Honesty prevailed, she raised three of her children the same way. As she said, her daughter Aleksandra, working in the same store, would do the same.


This event is kept quiet in Gornji Milanovac. The owner of the purse with the money did not want any publicity. Draga Eric reported the case to the police but everything ended up well, they praised her gesture.



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