Vesna will not share her 3 million, and lawyer got involved: Lotto Frenzy in Gornji Milanovac has not subsided

Bosko Vukcevic, legal representative of Vesna Pavlovic, woman from Gornji Milanovac who won 3 million dinars on lottery, said that she did not have any agreement with colleagues Marija Kalojevic and Jovana Djordjevic about splitting the money from the jackpot.


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In fact, Marija and Jovana from Gornji Milanovac sued their fellow citizen and colleague Vesna because she “failed to pay the agreed sum after all three won instant on lottery Wheel of Fortune of Serbian State Lottery.”


Jovana and Vesna decided to try their luck on 3rd March when they bought a ticket at a kiosk near their workplace. They bought three “scratch” cards for 100 dinars each, and according to the two plaintiffs, Marija Kalojevic, who remained on the job, gave 210, while Jovana Djordjevic contributed with 90 dinars.


– Vesna did not give any money, but of course she would get a part of the money if we got the winning ticket – said Marija for “Blic”.


Foto-ilustracija: Profimedia/Wavebreak, Telegraf


Two colleagues have brought lottery tickets to the job, each of the three of them took one and began to scratch. It turns out that Vesna Pavlovic got the winning ticket with 3 million dinars.


– We were screaming with luck, we were hugging, kissing. We could not believe that fortune smiled upon us in this way – Jovana describes the situation.


She stresses that everything was fine until Monday, when the winner was supposed to go to Belgrade to get the money. They should get total of 2.6 million dinars, because 600.000 is going to the taxes.


– However, when Vesna returned from Belgrade, she started making up excuses and to offer us significantly lower sums from the ones that belong to us. She said that her parents are pressuring her and that she can’t pay us 800.000 dinars, but she offered us 100.000 dinars. They said that the two of us can’t prove anything and that there is no reason to give us anything. Of course, i did not want to accept that kind of offer, because i don’t want to forgive her that much money. That kind of award is won only once in a lifetime, and i think its only humane to split it. I would split it with them, without thinking – said Marija for “Blic”.


Foto: Pixabay


However, Vesna’s lawyer said that he delivered SMS communication between Marija and Jovana to the court where “its not exactly as the two say”.


– From the communication between Vesna and Jovana the day before my client won the award, it can be seen that each of them played for themselves, buying the tickets from their own money and that they could handle the awards on their own and handled the loss on their own, so they were informed among themselves about the losses and awards they could have – expresses Vukcevic in the statement for “Blic”.


He reminded that Jovana got 100.000 from her client in the name of honor.


– Djordjevic admitted that in the lawsuit, and now we ask for that sum to be returned from the rude ungratefulness. Also, it is not true that Marija and Jovana asked for 800.000 dinars, but Marija on 10 March asked over Viber message for million each, and then in lawsuit, it was asked for 800.000, actually 700.000 – said lawyer Vukcevic.


Foto: Telegraf


According to him, psychological pressure was on Vesna Pavlovic to act against her own will and split the award with Marija and Jovana. She emphasisez that the case is in front of the court, which is the only competent to decide on this type of request.


– On the other side is the burden of proving the alleged verbal agreement, which is marked in law with the term probatio diabolica – conclides Bosko Vukcevic.


The winner of the award, Vesna, said for “Blic” that she had no such agreement with her colleagues.


– I said that i will treat them, but they asked for the third of the award. I did not want to give that to them because we had no such agreement before the scratch. That is pure fiction off tho two and it makes no sense. I rarely scratched with Marija, i did it with Jovana more often, but we absolutely had no agreement. Its their problem for suing me, i know what’s the truth – said Pavlovic, who stopped working at the betting shop after the win.


Foto: Marko Todorović, A. Nalbantjan


On the other hand, Ivan Calovic, proxy of Kalojevic and Djordjevic, claims that SMS correspondence of his clients with Vesna Pavlovic proves that there was agreement about splitting the award.


– After winning the award on instant lottery ticket, three of the exchanged a large number of SMS messages, where it can be seen that respondent initially stated that all three received three million, how to divide the money they get together, and after the money was payed to her account, she decided to keep the money for herself. After insisting of the plaintiffs to give them their share of the win, the respondent stated that she will treat them as much as she sees fit – said Calovic.


( / Blic)

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