Balkan news

They told an American that he will be slaughtered in Serbia, but he came nevertheless to Ziza and Ivan and he noticed that the guests are leaving 200 dollars in tips (PHOTO)

A couple from Gornji Milanovac decided to try their luck in rural tourism and now they are providing an unforgettable vacation to foreigners

They told an American that he will be slaughtered in Serbia, but he came nevertheless to Ziza and Ivan and he noticed that the guests are leaving 200 dollars in tips (PHOTO) Read More »

Vesna will not share her 3 million, and lawyer got involved: Lotto Frenzy in Gornji Milanovac has not subsided

Jovana and Vesna decided to try their luck on 3rd March when they bought a ticket at a kiosk near their workplace. They bought three “scratch” cards for 100 dinars each, and according to the two plaintiffs, Marija Kalojevic, who remained on the job, gave 210, while Jovana Djordjevic contributed with 90 dinars

Vesna will not share her 3 million, and lawyer got involved: Lotto Frenzy in Gornji Milanovac has not subsided Read More »